© AP Photo / Bill AlenDavid Rockefeller, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, testifies before the joint Senate-House Economic Committee in Washington on Aug. 17, 1961, during hearings on the report of the Commission on Money and Credit.

© AP Photo / Bill Alen
David Rockefeller, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, testifies before the joint Senate-House Economic Committee in Washington on Aug. 17, 1961, during hearings on the report of the Commission on Money and Credit.
© AP PhotoDavid Rockefeller, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and his bride, the former Margaret McGrath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sims McGrath of Mount Kisco, New York, stop on the steps of St. Matthew?s Church at Bedford, New York, Sept. 7, 1940 after their wedding.

© AP Photo
David Rockefeller, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and his bride, the former Margaret McGrath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sims McGrath of Mount Kisco, New York, stop on the steps of St. Matthew?s Church at Bedford, New York, Sept. 7, 1940 after their wedding.
© Sputnik / Yuriy IvanovПредседатель Совета Министров СССР Алексей Косыгин (справа) принимает в Кремле американского банкира и общественного деятеля Дэвида Рокфеллера (слева).

© Sputnik / Yuriy Ivanov
Председатель Совета Министров СССР Алексей Косыгин (справа) принимает в Кремле американского банкира и общественного деятеля Дэвида Рокфеллера (слева).
© AP PhotoDavid Rockefeller youngest of Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr’s five sons is now studying at the London school of economics, which has benefited considerable from endowments of the Rockefeller Institute. He shares humble lodgings at the top of five flights of dark stairs in the temple. These were rented from Sir William Beveridge, formerly director of the London school of economics. Mr. David Rockefeller working in his rooms in the temple, London on Nov. 22, 1937.

© AP Photo
David Rockefeller youngest of Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr’s five sons is now studying at the London school of economics, which has benefited considerable from endowments of the Rockefeller Institute. He shares humble lodgings at the top of five flights of dark stairs in the temple. These were rented from Sir William Beveridge, formerly director of the London school of economics. Mr. David Rockefeller working in his rooms in the temple, London on Nov. 22, 1937.
© AFP 2023 / Henny Ray AbramsPresident Nelson Mandela (R) of South Africa shakes hands with David Rockefeller (L) after a press conference during which Mandela discussed his breakfast meeting with business leaders in Rockefeller Center in New York 18 September. AFP PHOTO Henny Ray ABRAMS / AFP PHOTO / HENNY RAY ABRAMS

© AFP 2023 / Henny Ray Abrams
President Nelson Mandela (R) of South Africa shakes hands with David Rockefeller (L) after a press conference during which Mandela discussed his breakfast meeting with business leaders in Rockefeller Center in New York 18 September. AFP PHOTO Henny Ray ABRAMS / AFP PHOTO / HENNY RAY ABRAMS
© AP PhotoDavid Rockefeller, speaking, February 1984.

© AP Photo
David Rockefeller, speaking, February 1984.
© AP Photo / Bill Alen
David Rockefeller, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, testifies before the joint Senate-House Economic Committee in Washington on Aug. 17, 1961, during hearings on the report of the Commission on Money and Credit.
© AP Photo
David Rockefeller, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and his bride, the former Margaret McGrath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sims McGrath of Mount Kisco, New York, stop on the steps of St. Matthew?s Church at Bedford, New York, Sept. 7, 1940 after their wedding.
© Sputnik / Yuriy Ivanov
Председатель Совета Министров СССР Алексей Косыгин (справа) принимает в Кремле американского банкира и общественного деятеля Дэвида Рокфеллера (слева).
© AP Photo
David Rockefeller youngest of Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr’s five sons is now studying at the London school of economics, which has benefited considerable from endowments of the Rockefeller Institute. He shares humble lodgings at the top of five flights of dark stairs in the temple. These were rented from Sir William Beveridge, formerly director of the London school of economics. Mr. David Rockefeller working in his rooms in the temple, London on Nov. 22, 1937.
© AFP 2023 / Henny Ray Abrams
President Nelson Mandela (R) of South Africa shakes hands with David Rockefeller (L) after a press conference during which Mandela discussed his breakfast meeting with business leaders in Rockefeller Center in New York 18 September. AFP PHOTO Henny Ray ABRAMS / AFP PHOTO / HENNY RAY ABRAMS
© AP Photo
David Rockefeller, speaking, February 1984.
© AP Photo / Suzanne Plunkettデイヴィッド・ロックフェラー

© AP Photo / Suzanne Plunkett