130年前、ロンドンのミュージックホールの俳優一家に男の子が誕生した。今や「喜劇王」と呼ばれるチャールズ・スペンサー・チャップリン、その人だ。観客たちは、チャップリンが創作した「小さな放浪者=The Little Tramp」の姿を笑ったが、名優が演じるのがほぼ等身大の彼自身なのではないかと疑う人は少なかった。
Tilden always swore he would give up tennis for a life in the theater. His favorite place to play tennis out west was Charlie Chaplin's court in the Hollywood hills, and Chaplin (horizontal) would be one of his last friends to stand by him in the end. Douglas Fairbanks (with the headband) was another close friend and tennis nut. Spanish champion Manuel Alonso accompanied Tilden on this Hollywood visit in 1923.
Tilden always swore he would give up tennis for a life in the theater. His favorite place to play tennis out west was Charlie Chaplin's court in the Hollywood hills, and Chaplin (horizontal) would be one of his last friends to stand by him in the end. Douglas Fairbanks (with the headband) was another close friend and tennis nut. Spanish champion Manuel Alonso accompanied Tilden on this Hollywood visit in 1923.