© 写真 : Swansea UniversitySnake (EC308) microCT visualisations. a Top view of 3D segmentation of ROI tomogram producing higher resolution, revealing bones with a focus on the skull and associated skeletal damage, and some calcified tissue. b Segmented render of whole specimen from lower resolution scan. Half of the wrappings digitally removed to reveal snake skeleton and some higher-attenuating sections within the wrappings. c 3D segmented sub-section of lower resolution scan showing section of separated vertebrae, with a separation of approximately 5 mm. d Axial slice through the skull, revealing bone (white), and desiccated soft tissue (grey) which includes residual brain matter inside the cranium and the remains of the left eye. The intersecting lines highlight the centre of the eye. e 3D segmentation of ROI tomogram, revealing bones (grey), trachea (red), and calcified kidneys (coloured green). f Sagittal slice through the skull, revealing bone (white) and structures in the mouth, possibly inserted at the opening of the glottis. g Coronal slice through the skull and intersecting coiled vertebrae (white), calcified kidneys (light grey), and objects possibly placed in the mouth. Scale: Overall wrapped package longest length = 165 mm, Snake skull length = 14.4 mm.

© 写真 : Swansea UniversityBird of prey (W531) microCT visualisations. a Digital segmentation of mummified bird tomogram, revealing skeletal structure and some small higher-attenuating structures within the wrappings. Morphometric measurements of tarsometatarsus, tibiotarsus, femur, ulna, radius, and carpometacarpus are superimposed. b Skull with wrapping digitally removed, revealing residual trachea. c Coronal slice revealing internal soft tissues remain intact, including the lungs; bubble-like structures in chest cavity. The feathers are visible in the cross section as elongated ellipses to the left. d Sagittal slice revealing digestive system and gizzard. Spine is at the bottom of the image, top of the bird is to the left, and bottom of the bird is to the right.

© 写真 : Swansea UniversityCat Head (AB77a) microCT visualization—a dentition, b mandibular fractures, c left maxilla fracture, d angular deviation of the nasal, e fragmentary parts of the cranial wall and internal structures of the ear visible within the cranial cavity (2D slice image from the tomogram), f radiating fracture across left parietal, g radial fracture terminates at the suture lines, h atlas, axis, and cervical vertebrae, indicating separation and possible cause of death. Scale: skull total length—68.9 mm.

© 写真 : Swansea University3D renderings from microCT data. a Mummified cat head (AB77a) rendered from tomography data. A digital dissection, removing wrappings on left side of the head, revealing bone, and higher attenuating material used to stiffen the external wrapping of the ears. b Cat Head (AB77a) mandible, with segmented teeth, revealing unerupted mandibular first molars (red). Scale: skull total length = 68.9 mm.
